Friends. Humans. Lend your ears...and your computers...and at least 6ft of space! We're doing a gift exchange and a zoom unwrapping. Won't you join?
Sign up for Elfster and RSVP for this exchange by December 11.
On December 12 the Elfster app will automatically draw names for a secret-Santa-style exchange and notify you who you're shopping for.
To get your gifts to the right person, simply bring them (wrapped) to Casa de Main on December 19 between 3:30-8:30pm and enjoy a small but mighty Winter Wonderland display and some Nostrana hot mulled beverages! Stay as long as you’d like, we will have rain shelter and can start a fire.
Once everyone has dropped off their goodies, Leather and I (thanks, honey!) will work on distributing the gifts by arranging your pick-up at CdM or bringing it right to you! Or, you can get Nostrana to-go on Wednesday, December 23 and I will handoff your gift with hot pizza. (Shauna provided the nomenclature Nat-a-claus, and I'm not mad about it!)
The plan is to hop on Zoom and unwrap together on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day (depending on your availability). When we open our gifts, we can try and guess who bought it for us. When we're all done unwrapping, we'll give up the secret.
Let's set the spending cap at $25: small gifts, locally-sourced items, and personal gestures encouraged. Please don't feel obligated to spend your pandemic dollars, you can always make something or re-gift.
See? This is totally normal, like old times.
Any questions? Ask Nat.
Click the link above for the Zoom Room, and here are the creds:
Join Zoom:
Meeting ID: 834 5735 6588
Passcode: 367769